Friday, April 6, 2012

Yay for YouTube

Let me first start by saying ... 3 more weeks and SCHOOL IS OUT ... forever :o) While I have enjoyed my journey throughout the MLIS degree program ... I will not be too sad to see it go. I think with everything going on this past year, I have just had it. And with my current schedule I am ready to lose it :o) Three more weeks, three more weeks... I'm beat!

So, on to our topics. YouTube. Yay! I like YouTube. I also use it relatively frequently, always on my phone, never on my computer. (I don't sit at my computer often, except at work or to do schoolwork). I use it to catch clips of shows or events I missed (such as an award show performance everyone is talking about), news clips (the stage collapsing on those at the Sugarland concert) or for odd things I hear in the news, like Alicia Silverstone bird-feeding her baby chewed food. Ugh. I also like to look at music videos, or montage clips and jokes people post. It is great for just browsing through, and I love that it is just videos. Some of the short shows people tape themselves are pretty funny as well!

Flickr ... I feel like this is useless if you have a Facebook, or Instagram, or anything like that. How do people keep up on multiple sites that do the same thing? Am I missing something? I also looked at, and definitely prefer how Pinterest is set up instead. I tried to do my book review on and got so frustrated I said the hell with it and went to Pinterest. Again, multiple sites that do the same thing - look at goodreads and shelfari. It's all in a person's personal preference for the aesthetics of the site, but what I don't get is how people use ALL of them at the same time!

Can someone enlighten me on that? :o)


  1. I have to agree with you that I don't see the point of using multiple sites that do the same thing (both in a personal or library context). I guess it is just good to know what's out there, and then pick the appropriate tool for your audience.

  2. Ooooh Colleen, I too have been chanting three more weeks - though I still have two semesters left. I've had it up to here *as I hold my hand just below my forehead* with schoolwork and life.

    Back to schoolwork - I don't understand the use of multiple sites. I could never find the time to get versed in all of them - but it's just like grocery shopping. Some products you use, and others you have no use for. Additionally, there are like umpteen (which is a very scientific way of counting) types of paper products. They are all related, but you don't need/use them all. You don't buy every brand or each type of paper product. However, you know how to use each product.

    SNS are just like paper products. You don't use each site, you know about most sites, and you only employ the ones that are useful to you.

    I know - kinda an out-there analogy. But it works.

  3. I have noticed that many celebrities appear on multiple sites. For them I think it's just to get exposure. As for libraries, I can see them using multiple sites to try to connect with as many people as possible. Again, it's all about getting out there and making one's presence known. I also agree that I don't know why regular people would need to be on multiple sites doing the same thing. In a way that's just sad.
