Friday, February 10, 2012


One of my friends on Facebook (the mother of a 20 year old and a 14 year old) posted this video this morning. It seemed to come at an apt time considering what Boyd said about how teens perceive their privacy on Facebook in regards to their parents. I don't know, maybe this daughter's settings weren't set properly, but her father obviously found her post and from the gunshots I'd say he isn't happy about it.

WARNING - Some mild cuss words are in the video. Don't shoot the messenger.

Let's see if I can figure out how to post this link! ...Upset Dad, Click Here!

Just looking for thoughts and reactions in light of Boyd's commentary


  1. Oh my!
    Why don't people take a deep breath and count to ten more often before writing or saying or videoing what's on their mind? No doubt the daughter needs to understand her gripes in the larger context of privileged or disadvantaged living, but Dad needs some advice on setting realistic consequences, too. What this broadcasts is how deeply hurt the father is, but he is unlikely to resolve any attitude problems with this method. There is a very violent message in shooting the laptop with "one from your Mom". I am shocked at how many people approved of the video. Am I THAT different?

    Relevant to this family or public feud: I have just come back from an aunt's funeral, where the pastor quoted from my aunt's days as a Justice of the Peace, "If people would just remember to be civil to each other, if they'd be polite and respectful, I wouldn't hear half the cases that come into my court."

  2. Earlier today, I saw part of this video on the news. It was interesting to watch the entire video and to read some of the responses. One person had posted a response 5 hours ago and she had received over 2900 "likes" already - the amazing reach of social media. Several responses further down, another woman indicated that subsequent on-line interactions between father and daughter brought them back together. If that is true, it seems his You Tube/Facebook message spoke to his daughter in a way that she could understand. This situation certainly exemplifies the "blurring" of public and private that Dr. Boyd was speaking about, and the phenomenon that with social networking, information is "public by default and private by effort".
